• Alma

    My secret super power: Sneaking in unexpected challenges when you least expect it.

    What to expect in my class: Great attention to breath and alignment.

    My favorite yoga pose: Savasana!

    My best advice: Make a promise to yourself to come to your mat, even if you’re not in the mood. You will never regret it.

    My motivation to practice: My mental and physical health

    Outside class you might catch me: Writing music and hanging out with my dogs.

  • Anne

    My secret super power: Being open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. I thrive on being a constant student by learning from those I am surrounded by.

    What to expect in my classes: Variety! I like to provide options to meet you where you are at. I encourage you to listen to your body, and I welcome any variations your body requires.

    My favorite yoga pose: Half Moon! I love poses for balancing or hip openers.

    My best advice: Give yourself permission to rest and heal. You deserve it! Before you can help others, you must first help yourself. Set aside some time in your calendar to get to your mat. Make yourself a priority!

    My motivation to practice: My health and well-being. Yoga helps me to stay focused, calm, and able to manage stress levels more effectively. I love the relaxation and healing that yoga provides, both mentally and physically.

    Outside of class you might catch me: Enjoying time outside gardening or entertaining friends, attending lacrosse games, or you may run into me in middle school!

  • Lesia

    My secret super power: Offering the bigger picture. Gently inviting people to open their hearts to different perspectives in order to inspire acceptance and understanding of the world around us.

    What to expect in my classes: lots of flowing movement, balance challenges and heart openers.

    My favorite yoga pose: Camatkarasana - Wild Thing. It makes me feel powerful and graceful.

    My best advice: This one is for the mothers out there. Find the time for self care, whatever that may mean for you. Talk to your kids about how it is just as important for you to care for yourself as it is for you to care for them. Let them be your cheerleaders.

    My motivation to practice: Mental, emotional and physical self-care. To turn off the world for a sliver of time in order to decompress and reconnect with myself and for the physical benefits of building strength and promoting mobility, flexibility and balance.

    Outside of class you might catch me: Drinking coffee, gardening, camping and collecting sunrises. Also (and more often) giving my kids snacks and folding laundry.

  • Lisa

    My Secret Super Power: Meeting you exactly where you’re at.

    What To Expect In My Class: Something for everyone. I love a mixed level class and can modify for beginners and challenge a more experienced practice within the same class.

    My Favorite Yoga Pose: Headstands and arm balances, I love inversions

    My Best Advice: Wherever you are in your practice is EXACTLY where you’re meant to be at this time. Embrace unconditional acceptance of yourself in all states of being.

    My Motivation to Practice: As a second generation yogi my practice began in childhood and I can’t imagine life without it.

    Outside of Class You Might Catch me: When I’m not teaching yoga or driving my flatbed truck delivering containers…. I’ll be with my partner and children. Fishing or swimming in the lake, foraging or hiking through the woods, running and riding my bike.

  • Marie

    My secret super power: Being your biggest cheerleader and helping you see that you can do hard things.

    What to expect in my classes: Expect a challenge! When you practice with me, you will experience high-spirited, vigorous classes designed to push you outside of your comfort zone to discover the strength and ease within. And then expect to feel proud of yourself.

    My favorite yoga pose: fallen triangle

    My best advice: Embrace the wobbles… in your yoga practice, and in life.

    My motivation to practice: My children. Being a positive role model for self-care and wellness for my kids.

    Outside of class you might catch me: Walking our dog or riding bikes with the kids around town. I’m also a kindergarten teacher at Will L Lee, so you or your kiddos may run into me at school!

  • Melissa

    My secret super power: Lifting people up. In spirit…not physically.

    What to expect in my class: In my classes you will feel completely comfortable just as you are. You’ll move with your breath and develop your unique practice.

    My favorite yoga pose: My favorite pose is pigeon..or half monkey…or reverse warrior…how do I choose just one?

    My best advice: Love the skin you’re in.

    My motivation to practice: I practice to be a better human and mom. Yoga allows me the space to just be. When I had my kids (triplets) yoga was my life preserver.

    Outside class you might catch me: With my kids and husband. They are the loves of my life so wherever we are is home.

  • Tara

    My secret super power: Making people laugh and smile

    What to expect in my classes: You can expect to get out of your heads and back into your body by centering yourself and reconnecting with your breath

    My favorite yoga pose: My favorite yoga pose is Dancer

    My best advice: My best advice is to keep an open mind and try something new! Step out of your comfort zone, because you never know where it could lead!

    My motivation to practice: My motivation to practice came from holding onto stress and letting the small daily life situations take up too much space in my mind. My practice reminds me to let the little things go and connect with my breath and focus on the main positive things in my life.

    Outside of class you might catch me: Reading, listening or playing music with my husband, playing with our two cats, or buying more yoga clothes!

  • Vanessa

    My secret super power: encouraging you to try things you didn’t think you could do! ​​​​​​​​

    What to expect in my classes: expect to build strength and feel powerful! ​​​​​​​​

    My favorite yoga pose: Salamba Sarvangasana - shoulder stand​​​​​​​​

    My best advice: You can do hard things. It is all about putting one baby step in front of the other and before you know it, you may be further than you could have ever imagined! ​​​​​​​​

    My motivation to practice: Finding presence and building strength. ​​​​​​​​

    Outside of class you might catch me: on a trail with my pup, playing tennis, cycling, skiing, cooking or hanging out with friends and family​​​​​​​​